Ás vezes recebemos notícias tristes...
Das duas vezes que vivi fora de Portugal fiz sempre amigos, não conhecidos mas amigas/os. Exceptuando a Luísa Antonelli todas/todos são bem mais novos do que eu!
Desde 2005 que mantenho as amizades feitas na Itália e desde 2010 as que fiz em Montreal. O facto de eles, elas e eu estarmos à distância de um e-click, além das visitas que posteriormente já lhes fiz, tem solidificado as nossas amizades.
Se somos realmente amigos, alegramo-nos e entristecemo-nos com eles...
Ontem recebi este e-mail do John (que sempre me trata por Maria) e fiquei muito triste...
Ciao Maria.
I wanted to tell you a few months ago but didn’t because I didn’t want to tell you via email. But now you know.
My life changed almost five months ago when I lost Fabrizia.
She was and is everything for me.
I loved her Maria and I had never loved a woman before we met.
The incredible thing is that she loved me.
I was very very lucky.
When I met Fabrizia I was a male and thanks to her I became a man.
She filled our home with her love and her happiness and her energy but now our home is empty.
When I open the door I don’t see her smiling face and can’t kiss her
When I wake up in the morning she isn’t in bed with me.
I don’t make coffee and croissants anymore for breakfast.
Fabrizia died in Lisbon. She went there because her dream was to live there by the sea. She visited Cascais and wanted to visit to the Algarve.
I feel very very very lonely Maria.
Life doesn’t have the same flavour.
I visited Venice yesterday and I didn’t enjoy it.
It was hot, crowded, I was tired and fundamentally I missed Fabrizia and I couldn’t see any sense in being in Venice so I left early and came home.
So I’m leaving the school on the 26th.
I’m at peace with my decision.
Maria life is beautiful......but fragile
* A Fabrizia morreu de um AVC quando numa viagem com amigas, a Lisboa.